AutoCAD and AutoCAD® LT Training Courses
Design and shape the world with the powerful, connected design tools in AutoCAD® software for Windows and Mac OS X. Create stunning 3D CAD designs and speed documentation with the reliability of TrustedDWG technology. Connect in the cloud to collaborate on designs and access them from your mobile device.

AutoCAD Essentials
The objective of AutoCAD®/AutoCAD LT® Essentials is to enable students to create a basic 2D drawing in the AutoCAD software. Even at this fundamental level, ...
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AutoCAD Advanced
AutoCAD Advanced introduces advanced techniques and teaches you to be proficient in your use of the AutoCAD® software. This is done by teaching you how to recogn...
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AutoCAD 3D Drawing and Modelling
AutoCAD® 3D Drawing and Modelling introduces students who are proficient with the 2D commands in the AutoCAD® software to the concepts and methods of 3D mode...
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AutoCAD Expert Program
The AutoCAD Expert Program is a series of courses that will take you from beginner to advanced level. By combining these courses you will get a significant ove...
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3D Animation and Visual Effects with Maya/After Effects/V-Ray
This high impact 3D Animation and Visual Effects programme is for students who are interested to work in the film, TV or visual effects...
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Advanced 3D Design Visualization and Animation with 3DS Max & V-Ray Certification
The 3D Architectural/Design Visualization and Animation with 3DS Max & V-Ray program is geared towards?Design/Architectural Visualization and ...
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Office Number
JHB: 011 262 2054 PTA: 012 663 2209 CTN: 021 531 6803
Oracle Close, Halfway Gardens, Midrand